Artificial Intelligence Systems

AI Systems for home, vehicle and business property Surveillance

Healthcare AI

We collect data samples and build custom machine learning models for rapid medical image processing

BONANG AI Smart City Platform enable any camera with RTSP stream become an Intelligent Camera with Artificial Intelligence and IoT.


CheXRad is a machine learning–based desktop application designed for use on Intel processor-based PCs in clinics and hospitals in Africa. The easy-to-use Windows 10 application comes preconfigured with a COVID-19 and viral pneumonia classification neural network

OpenGesture for African Sign Languages

This project provides Python code to recognize African Sign Language gestures for numbers using OpenCV AI Kit: OAK—D depth cameras. Additionally, this project showcases the utility of convolutional neural networks as a key component of real-time gesture classification pipelines using Intel OpenVINO.

Industrial Artificial Intelligence

Every scratch, incomplete assembly, or defective part matters to the OEM’s bottom line. Identifying defects correctly and consistently is critical to production success. ABI provides an AI visual inspection development and deployment platform that helps OEMs, system integrators and distributors to easily evaluate AI model efficacy for a single application, or as part of a hybrid solution combined with traditional 2D/3D machine vision and robotic control solutions.